Why PRC Clark County Should Be Your First Choice
We at PRC Clark County offer a confidential place to confirm if you are pregnant with a free pregnancy test and an ultrasound exam, and we provide an unhurried setting to get all your questions answered about your pregnancy choices. We will never profit off your decision, all our services are free and confidential.
Here are some recent questions others are asking
How do I know if I’m pregnant?Early signs of pregnancy may include a missed period, nausea-with or without vomiting, tender or swollen breasts, increased urination, fatigue, and food aversions or cravings. If you think you may be pregnant, our clinic can provide you with a free pregnancy test. Call today to schedule your free appointment.
How soon should I take a pregnancy test?If you’ve missed a period, call and schedule a pregnancy test appointment today. A pregnancy test works by identifying a specific pregnancy hormone in your urine.
Can I trust the results of the pregnancy test at your clinic?We use laboratory-quality pregnancy tests. The manufacturer of the tests advertises a 97 – 99 percent accuracy rate.
How far along am I?At the PRC, we use your last menstrual period (LMP) to help you calculate and estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy. We also offer a second appointment for an ultrasound to most accurately establish how far along you are. Schedule an appointment with us today.
My pregnancy test was negative, but I still don’t have my period. Should I have a second test?Yes, you may return for a second free pregnancy test a week after your first negative test at our clinic. The pregnancy (HCG) hormone doubles every 2 days during the first three months of pregnancy, so if you are pregnant, the test should appear positive one week after a negative test.
I’ve had multiple negative pregnancy tests, but still no period. What should I do?If you have two negative tests, but still haven’t had your period, we recommend you contact your healthcare provider for an assessment. If you don't have a healthcare provider, give us a call and we can provide you with a list of area OB/GYNs.
The morning after pill (Plan-B One-Step). How does it work?The morning-after pill is a high-dosage hormonal birth control pill that women take up to 72 hours after intercourse. Dependent upon where you are in your cycle, it’s designed to: Prevent or delay ovulation (e.g. the release of an egg from your ovaries) Interfere with the fertilization of an egg. Prevent implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering the uterine lining. Morning-after pills should not be used as regular birth control as their safety has not been tested. They are not approved by the FDA or recommended by the manufacturer for routine use.
I think I might already be pregnant. Can I take an emergency contraceptive?An emergency contraceptive (morning after pill) will not stop the development of an embryo once the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. In other words, if you’re already pregnant when you take it, it will not work.
Is a morning after pill the same as RU-486?No, Plan B One-Step (emergency contraceptive/the morning after pill) is not the same as RU-486, which is a medical abortion.
Are there any side effects associated with the taking an emergency contraceptive?Yes, there can be side effects, ranging from stomach pain, headache and fatigue to dizziness, menstrual pain, and cramping.
What are STDs or STIs?Sexually-transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Sexually-transmitted Infections (STIs) are medical infections transmitted through sexual contact. There are numerous STDs and STIs, but some of the most common ones are HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HIV.
How do I know if I have an STD or STI?All STDs and STIs are different. Many people with HPV or Chlamydia don’t develop symptoms but can still infect others through sexual contact. Symptoms for Gonorrhea may include pain when urinating or heavy menstrual bleeding. Flu-like symptoms can develop with HIV such as a fever, sore throat, and fatigue.
Can I be pregnant and still have a STI?Yes, you can be pregnant and also have an STI. If you’re not sure you’re pregnant, please schedule an appointment with us.
Why do I need an ultrasound?An ultrasound scan confirms the pregnancy, its location, and how far along you are. We can also measure the fetal heartbeat.
Who will perform the ultrasound?All ultrasound scans are performed by trained registered nurses. An OB/GYN physician oversees the program as our clinic’s medical director.
Should I get an ultrasound before I get an abortion?Yes. An ultrasound provides essential information for your safety: that you are in fact pregnant, that the pregnancy is in your uterus, and an accurate measurement calculating how far along in the pregnancy you are.
How much will my appointment cost?All our services (pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, etc.) are available at no cost.
Will anyone know about my appointment?No. All appointments are completely confidential.
Do you accept walk-in’s?Yes. We will do our best to see you as soon as possible.
Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?Yes. For pregnancy test visits and ultrasound visits, we encourage you to bring one (1) adult guest with you. If the father of baby is involved, we would love for him to join you as we have male mentors available to offer him support as well.

1010 South Limestone Street
Springfield, OH, 45505
Mondays- Wednesdays 10am to 2pm
Thursdays 10am to 8pm
Fridays. 10am to 2pm
Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Clark County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Springfield, Ohio. The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only. It should not be used to substitute professional and/or medical services. We do not refer for or provide abortion services, but we do offer abortion education. All our services are confidential and provided with no cost to you. There is no requirement of proof of insurance or proof of employment.